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Fiscal Year End BD Strategies for Selling to SLED Govt's

This helpful research provides pro tips on how to optimize your business development approach and increase your state, local and education (SLED) government contract win rates. Request your complimentary copy of this informative report today!

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What's Inside:

Leveraging GovWin IQ’s industry-leading government contracting market intelligence database, the report includes profiles of which fiscal year end (FYE) months are the most common among SLED governments, including analysis of month-by-month differences in opportunity volume by type of buyer and type of purchase. The insights contained within the report can be leveraged to help contractors better tailor their SLED business development approach to the unique fiscal year cycles of their government clients to ultimately win more business.

Fine-Tune Your SLED BD Strategy:

The SLED Market Does Not Operate on a Standard FYE

The SLED Market Does Not Operate on a Standard FYE

Unlike U.S. federal government agencies, SLED governments do not operate on a standardized fiscal year

FYE Bid and RFP Publishing Patterns Differ by Type of Govt

FYE Bid and RFP Publishing Patterns Differ by Type of Govt

From states, to cities, higher education entities and more, buying patterns differ by type of government based on FYE

FYE Seasonality Patterns by Type of Purchase / Industry

FYE Seasonality Patterns by Type of Purchase / Industry

Understanding government purchasing seasonality by type of goods or services can help tailor your BD strategy

“About 2-3 months prior to the end of the [fiscal year], spending peaks as departments have to finish out the year and spend their money.”

Tammy Rimes, Exec. Dir. National Cooperative Procurement Partners

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