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White Paper

10 Critical Consulting Moves for 2022

Ten moves every consulting leader should make right now to ensure growth, profitability, and project success in 2022.

White Paper: Ten Critical Consulting Moves for 2022

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What's Inside

We talked with consulting leaders from firms across multiple industries about the challenges they faced last year and their expectations for success in 2022. Read this paper to discover the ten most important tips they revealed to us and apply them today to put your firm on a path towards growth and success in 2022.

You’ll Discover:


9.2% Growth

Consulting leaders expect growth but caution to make sure it’s managed.


Visibility is Key

Firms with better visibility into resourcing & cash flow grew faster.

information security

Cybersecurity is a Priority

Average cost of a cyber attack is 25K for small business (more for larger firms).