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Analyst-Tracked, Cradle-To-Grave Updates for State, Local and Education Contract Opportunities

Make strategic growth decisions with the most detailed opportunity data available in the market

Access pre-RFP opportunities up to five years before a solicitation is released through contract award, and get the most foresight into opportunities with detailed updates throughout the procurement cycle. With more opportunity intelligence before RFPs hit the streets, your business can shape RFPs in your direction, spend more time networking with the buyer and ultimately leverage more lead time to prepare your bid for the win.

GovWin's analyst-tracked updates for state, local and education contract opportunities allows companies to:

  • Track opportunities in several industries such as IT, finance, consulting and business management
  • Access government insights direct from government points of contact
  • Review important planning documents and materials to make strategic go/no-go decisions such as Q&A, bidders lists, bid tabulations, incumbent contracts, meeting minutes and more

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