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Try GovWin IQ for Free
Federal Market Intelligence

Learn how the leading market intelligence platform can help you win more contracts with U.S. federal, state, local and Canadian governments.

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Grow Your Public Sector Sales

GovWin IQ helps your business discover opportunities before they go to bid in the form of expiring term contracts, forecast pre-RFP intelligence, and planned, funded projects. Our forward-looking U.S. and Canadian government market intelligence provides you with the ability to manage opportunities, pursue deals faster, find partners for teaming, and plan strategically to get ahead of the competition.


In FY 2023, the federal government awarded $760B in contracts with 61% of those awards going to customers using GovWin IQ.

Opportunity Intel

Opportunity Intel

Access intel on U.S. and Canadian government contract opportunities from early stage through award – all compiled in one place.

Competitive Info

Unseat the incumbent and grow your market share by tracking competitors’ contracts and when they will be up for re-bid.

Competitive Info

Agency Profiles

Agency Profiles

Leverage generative AI-powered Smart Summaries about your buyers to kick-start strategic planning, identify key decision-makers, and better position your company for success.

GovWin IQ Customers Win More

GovWin IQ Customers Win More

“Since becoming a GovWin IQ member, we realized very quickly why Deltek’s known as the ‘gold standard’ for research and tracking of the government market”.


Trusted by Successful Government Contractors

Systems Plus
Leonardo DRS

The Leading Government Procurement Software

“GovWin IQ took us from 0 to 100…” – Verified User in the Security and Investigations Industry via G2 Review.

GovWin IQ is the Leader in Government Procurement Software. See why users rank GovWin at the top.

G2 Leader Fall 2024
G2 Momentum Leader Fall 2024

Win more government contracts.