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Cooperative Purchasing in the SLED Market: Analysis and Best Practices

This report will help you understand the cooperative purchasing landscape in the U.S. state, local and education (SLED) market including key market segments, benefits for suppliers and vendors, and tactics to compete and win co-op contracts. You’ll also benefit from best practices and insights shared by guest contributor and expert on cooperative purchasing, Tammy Rimes, Executive Director of The National Cooperative Procurement Partners, North America’s leading association for cooperative procurement.

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What's Inside:

Download this report to learn, or get a refresher on, what cooperative purchasing is and how it works. You will also see what governments are buying the most from the co-ops and learn pro tips on how to successfully partner with these cooperative organizations to grow your public sector sales.

“When BD staff and expertise is limited, the importance of good data to understand the customer environment and pain points is critical. That is the value of what Deltek provides.”

Tammy Rimes, Executive Director, National Cooperative Procurement Partners

From the Deltek Clarity GovCon Industry Study

Tips for Doing Business with Cooperatives:


Know Your Capabilities

Understanding your capabilities, such as if your footprint is regional or national, or if your organization is a certified Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, will help with pursuing cooperative contracts.

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Benefits of Cooperatives

Working with cooperatives can come with many benefits such as gaining access to marketing assistance services and access to a list of member governments to contact for sales.


Following Up

Following up with cooperatives to find out about upcoming or expiring solicitations, or to promote your currently held cooperative contracts, can be an effective way of generating new business opportunities.


GovWin's SLED Market Analysis team estimates that sales through national cooperative organizations will reach $64.7 billion by 2025.

Get the SLED Market Industry Insights You Need to Stay Ahead of the Competition!!