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Free Report

Win More Contracts with the Department of Health and Human Services

With an increased budget request, the Department of Health and Human Services is undergoing efforts to advance public health research, services and technology. Take advantage of this free report designed to provide federal contractors with key insights to develop strategies and identify potential HHS business opportunities for the year ahead.

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What's Inside:

In this free report, GovWin's veteran market analysts provide the information federal contractors need to develop strategies and identify potential business opportunities within the Department of Health and Human Services. The report takes a look at HHS':

  • Agency organizational structure
  • Budget outlook
  • Procurement and contract spending trends
  • Preferred contract vehicles and top contractors
  • Opportunity highlights and potential project leads

“GovWin IQ from Deltek has a tremendous amount of resources that our teams rely on - from pre-solicitations and post-award, to the analysts themselves, who are like an extension of our team.”

Steve Menet, SVP of Sales, Hospital Solutions, Dräger

Sample Key Findings:

Focusing on High Spend Areas

Focusing on High Spend Areas

Top HHS contract spending is taking place in the categories of professional services, information technology, medical & scientific equipment and research & development.

Teaming with Small Businesses

Teaming with Small Businesses

HHS is committed to contracting with small businesses and has increased the percentage of contracting dollars awarded to small businesses over the last few years.

Capitalizing on Popular Contract Vehicles

Capitalizing on Popular Contract Vehicles

The best-in-class CIP-SP GWACs and SPARC for IT procurements, and GSA Consolidated Multiple Award Schedules for all goods and services, are HHS' most frequently used contract vehicles.


HHS' FY 2024 budget figures are driven by a departmental focus on health science, technology, research advances and the prevention and preparation for biological threats.

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