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Free Guide

How to Create Winning Government Contract Proposals

Learn how the power of strategic planning combined with AI can help you boost speed and persuasiveness while writing, iterating and negotiating government contract proposals. This free step-by-step guide will walk you through the strategy and processes necessary to master the art of proposals in GovCon.

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What’s Included in this Free Guide:

The "Guide to Creating Winning Government Contract Proposals" emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and discusses how to leverage generative AI (GenAI) to enhance speed and persuasiveness in writing, iterating and negotiating proposals. The guide also breaks down the government contracting business development and proposal process in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step lifecycle framework.

You'll also receive advice and best practices for each stage of your RFP response, including:

  • Capture planning
  • Proposal writing
  • Creating compelling win themes
  • Proposal management
  • Effective proposal review

“GovWin IQ provides excellent information to support your bidding and proposal needs.”

Neil A, President/CEO, Small Business via Validated G2 Review

What You'll Learn:


Strategic Planning and AI

Discover how strategic planning combined with AI can supercharge your business development and proposal processes.


Lifecycle Approach

Learn about the government contracting project lifecycle, with a focus on the business development and proposal process, in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step framework.


Best Practices

Dive into actionable advice for each stage of your RFP response including capture planning, proposal writing, creating compelling win themes, proposal management and effective proposal review.

Are You Ready to Elevate Your GovCon Proposals?