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How Is Canada Strengthening its Defence Industry for the Future?

Unlock new government contracting opportunities with Deltek’s inaugural report on Canadian defence and aerospace, ‘The Future of Canada’s Defence Industry’. Discover the latest trends and policy developments shaping Canada’s military contracting landscape and its critical, and growing, role in global security. Submit the request form to get your free copy of this insightful report.

The Future of Canada's Defence Industry

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What's Inside:

This report highlights recent developments in Canada’s defence policies, including billions of dollars (CAD) in new spending. The analysis further dives into defence procurement and spending trends, highlighting areas of notable growth within the market in four key segments:

  • Products and Equipment
  • Technology and Electronics
  • Defence Services and Services to Support Military Facilities
  • Land Vehicles, Marine Vehicles, Aircraft and Spacecraft

Suppliers will also discover insights on upcoming opportunities, gaining a better understanding of what defence purchasing might look like in the future and a line of sight into where to seize their next big contract award.

“Whether companies are bidding in Canada for the first time or submitting a different proposal each week, we are ardent supporters of GovWin.”

Paul Hillier, Practice Lead - Government Relations, Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs

The Future of Canada's Defence Industry:

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Our North, Strong and Free

As the 2024-25 fiscal year kicked off in Canada, the federal government announced its first major defence policy update since 2017, "Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada's Defence", as a strategic response to the changing physical and geopolitical landscapes.

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Canada and NATO

When Canada and its fellow NATO members convene for the alliance's 2024 summit, Canadian officials may be expected to address the country's level of military spending. "We recognize there's more to do and will be there to do it," said Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

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Canada's Role in Global Security

The future is promising for Canada's Defence industry, with both procurement and spending on the rise. From Europe to the Arctic, Canada has security interests at home and around the world and a renewed commitment to protecting them.


The Canadian federal government's new defence policy, "Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada's Defence", provides an investment of $8.1 billion (CAD) over the next five years and $73 billion (CAD) over the next 20 years to strengthen the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and align Canada's defence spending with critical new security priorities.

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