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Free Executive Summary

Win More Federal Cybersecurity Government Contracts

This free summary of GovWin’s ‘Federal Cybersecurity Market, 2023-2027’ examines the trends and drivers shaping the federal cybersecurity marketplace and provides a forecast for the next five years. Submit the request form to receive your copy of this free report.

Federal Cybersecurity Market, 2023-2027

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What's Inside

This free report summary identifies and analyzes the trends and drivers impacting the market’s growth, and categorizes and sizes the following five major segments within the federal cybersecurity marketplace:

  • Security operations services
  • Governance, strategy and compliance
  • Security tools and appliance
  • Identity and access management (IAM) technology and support
  • Training, education and awareness

“GovWin is the go-to platform. I am always surprised when I find out that a company doesn't use it.”

Jim Ekvall, Business Development Manager, Advanced Technology Leaders

Sample Key Findings:

cloud security

Agency Cybersecurity Budgets

Agency cybersecurity budgets continue to grow to support implementation of both agency-centric operational objectives and government-wide cyber policy directives.

cyber security

National Cybersecurity Strategy

The National Cybersecurity Strategy sets a broad framework for a wide range of cyber policies, agency priorities, operational shifts and implementation.


White House Executive Order

Elements in the 2021 White House Cybersecurity Executive Order continue to have sweeping impacts in key areas like zero trust architecture and supply chain risk management.


The Department of Defense (DOD) plans a 15% topline budget increase for cyberspace activities budget for FY 2024, from $11.7B to $13.5B.

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