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Deltek PIM:
Email Management Simplified

Manage firm-wide emails in one searchable system

Create one interconnected system for email management with unlimited storage and Microsoft Outlook integration

Search all company and project emails in seconds. Access email from your Deltek ERP, any web browser, or Outlook. Automate email filing and archiving with the PIM Outlook plug-in. Remove duplication by having one central copy of any email.

Save Time & Boost Efficiencies with Powerful Email Management

Powerful Search

The information you need is at your fingertips. Search all company and project emails in seconds.

Unlimited Storage

No worries about storage limits or file size – the sky's the limit. Plus 24/7 access.

Built-in Integration

Fully integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Deltek ERP for streamlined email and document management.

"Before Deltek PIM, it took a lot of time to sift through multiple locations to find critical project information. Now the data we need is just a few clicks away."

Brad Bowman, IT Manager, CDG Engineers & Associates

Learn more by watching this webinar, How CDG Eliminated Document Chaos with Deltek PIM.

Request a Demo Today

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