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Free Report

Win More Government Contracts with the Army

Amidst challenging domestic economic conditions, the U.S. Army requires modern platforms and capabilities to meet growing global challenges. Take advantage of this free report looking at the Department of the Army’s contracting trends and business prospects for the FY 2025 fiscal year and beyond.

Army Strategic Outlook for 2024-2025

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What's Inside:

This free report takes a look at the Department of the Army's:

  • FY 2025 budget outlook
  • Major issues and priorities
  • Procurement and contract spending trends
  • Preferred contract vehicles and top contractors
  • Opportunity highlights and potential project leads

“By incorporating generative AI into GovWin IQ, the system can now identify best-fit opportunities based on your past performance and historical contract awards data. GovWin is yet another asset to our contract pipeline, telling us which contracts, in what areas, meet our qualifications that we should bid on. We cannot live without GovWin.”

Roy Joun, Chief Financial Officer at UIC Government Services

Sample Key Findings from the Report:

resource management

Budgets Remain Flat

The Department of Defense (DoD) is shifting more funding to the Navy and Air Force, leaving the Army to do more with less.

small business

Small Business Spending Stays Strong

Despite the Army's budget stresses, spending on small business contracts remains near recent highs.


GSA's MAS Remains Army's Preferred Vehicle

Even though the Army has a plethora of contracting vehicles at its disposal, it continues to rely on GSA's Multiple Award Schedule more than any other.


After submitting a significantly lower IT budget request in FY 2024, the Army's request for FY 2025 is up by nearly $4.0 billion. Investment in major initiatives such as standing up the Unified Network is driving increases. Spending on cloud computing is also growing.

Are You Ready to Grow Your Federal Business with Army Contracts?