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2021 SLED Government Contracting Forecast

Following an unprecedented year of economic disruption related to COVID-19 and the presidential election, it’s never been more important for firms doing business with state, local and education (SLED) governments to understand how the market is performing and where it’s headed. GovWin’s 5th annual SLED Government Contracting Forecast for 2021 includes commentary about current market conditions, analysis of the overall direction of the market and detailed outlooks for each of our 12 primary industries.

This free report includes:

  • Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SLED market and the road to recovery
  • Overall SLED market forecast for 2021-22 in bids & RFPs
  • Two-year bid forecast for each of our 12 primary industry segments
  • Review of recent trends and insights affecting each industry
  • Industry profiles that include level of government and seasonality patterns
2021 SLED Government Contracting Forecast

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