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Which SLED Government Purchasing Trends Should You Watch in 2023?

In the 9th annual edition of Deltek’s exclusive research into state, local and education (SLED) government contracting ‘hotspots’, GovWin’s SLED Market Analysis Team identifies and profiles the top 10 areas of growing demand by SLED government buyers. This unique research leverages GovWin’s proprietary Smart Tags to analyze growth trends across thousands of products and services to identify pockets of opportunity and assist SLED governments in achieving their goals. Submit the request form to the right to get your copy of this free report.

10 Hotspots in State & Local Government Contracting for 2023

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What's Inside

Leveraging GovWin IQ’s proprietary Smart Tags, this report profiles each SLED government contracting ‘hotspot’ including explanations of what’s driving growth for each theme or trend. You will also get insight into bid growth rates, rankings of states with the highest adoption rates and strategic business development insights designed to help suppliers, vendors and contractors win more business with SLED governments.

“GovWin tracks spending levels and competitor information, in a very easy format, that frankly the competitors don't have.”

Christopher Hill, National Sales Manager of Government & Strategic Accounts, Parts Authority

Major Themes in 2023's SLED Contracting Hotspots:

Protecting the Public

Protecting the Public

Safeguarding the public is top of mind for most state and local governments with this theme showing up as a demand driver in 6 out of the 10 'hotspots' for 2023.

Protecting the Environment

Protecting the Environment

Driven by Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related policies, SLED governments are looking for help from the private sector to address environmental concerns.

Focusing on the Buying Process

Focusing on the Buying Process

With the current economic environment driving up the costs of goods, SLED government buyers are looking for help to increase efficiency in their buying and contracting processes.


In preparing our annual Hotspots for the SLED government market, GovWin's SLED market analysts leveraged data from GovWin's industry-leading public sector market intelligence database and utilized our proprietary Smart Tags to identify 10 product or service areas that are experiencing notable growth in usage or adoption by SLED governments.

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