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Find Out What Canadian Governments Are Buying More of in 2024

In Deltek’s second annual “10 Hotspots in Canadian Government Contracting” report, we explore top areas of purchasing in 2024 by the federal government, provinces, territories and MASH sector. This year’s edition highlights a variety of in-demand products and services spanning nearly every industry in Canada. Get your free report by submitting the request form to the right.

10 Hotspots Canadian Government Contracting 2024

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What's Inside:

Powered by GovWin’s proprietary Smart Tags, this unique research will help your business identify areas of opportunity and make strategic business development decisions. By downloading this free report, you will discover 10 top areas of procurement growth across Canada and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying factors driving this expansion. Our analysts further dive into each hotspot to reveal bid and tender growth rates, opportunity spotlights, tips for suppliers and common themes. This year’s hotspots reveal three prevailing trends:

  • Improving the safety and well-being of Canadians
  • Ensuring the competitiveness of Canada’s economy and innovations
  • Prioritizing Canada’s public sector workforce and diverse population

If your company is looking to create a better Canadian public sector sales strategy, this report is designed for you!

“Whether companies are bidding in Canada for the first time or submitting a different proposal each week, we are ardent supporters of GovWin.”

Paul Hillier, Practice Lead - Government Relations, Tactix Government Relations and Public Affairs

Major Themes in 2024's Canadian Contracting Hotspots:


Keeping Canadians Safe

Canadian governments are investing in a wide variety of solutions as their communities are exposed to a variety of incidents and emergencies like increasing natural disasters, cybersecurity incidents and crime.


Making Canada Competitive

Canadian government officials are committed to Canada's progress, whether that be creating innovative technologies, amassing more trading partners or expanding critical infrastructure.


Investing in Canadians

Governments throughout Canada are increasing investments to improve the livelihoods of Canadians in hotspots like "Attracting and Retaining Talent" and "Promoting Cultural Diversity".


In preparing our annual Hotspots for the Canadian Government Market, GovWin's Canadian market analysts leveraged data from GovWin's industry-leading public sector market intelligence database and utilized our proprietary Smart Tags to identify 10 product or service areas that are experiencing notable growth in usage or adoption by Canadian governments.

Get the Canadian Market Insights You Need to Stay Ahead of the Competition!